All posts tagged "Publication"
Mike Appleton | March 16, 2015
Not Long Now…
50 Gems of the Yorkshire Dales is due to be released at the end of May… and I...
Mike Appleton | February 11, 2015
Each A Dales Gem
50 Gems of the Yorkshire Dales is now with the publisher and is set to be released at...
Mike Appleton | January 1, 2015
Looking Back… 2014 Reviewed
As a writer I endeavour to avoid cliche at all costs. However, as it is the festive season...
Mike Appleton | November 17, 2014
Answering The Call
When you think of a ‘road trip’, echoes of Route 66, travelling across the world or taking a...
Mike Appleton | August 19, 2014
Hand, Films, Rants & Help
Been a busy few months at Mascarandy towers so thought I would pen a quick update of where...
Mike Appleton | July 1, 2014
Yorkshire Dales Society / TGO
Below is the Yorkshire Dales Society‘s review of Yorkshire’s Three Peaks – The Inside Story of the Dales....
Mike Appleton | May 16, 2014
Aural Exposure!
I’m in the process of writing a radio script which will bring together the storyline of the book...
Mike Appleton | May 9, 2014
Yorkshire’s Three Peaks – The Inside Story of the Dales received its first review this week. The Westmorland...