All posts tagged "caving"
Mike Appleton | July 22, 2023
Not another guidebook…
… was the first reaction I had to being presented with an idea for my eleventh book. My...
Mike Appleton | November 29, 2021
Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#12): What Makes a Caver?
Why isn’t caving more mainstream? What makes a caver and why are the media so down on us....
Mike Appleton | November 8, 2021
When is a secret not a secret…?
Keeping something secret or concealed is exceedingly difficult in the modern world. A snippet of information on social...
Mike Appleton | February 15, 2021
Something’s missing?
I’m lucky that I have been able to marry my passion of being in the outdoors with what...
Mike Appleton | May 4, 2020
COVID thoughts … Is life on hold?
Yet another COVID-19 blog post…? Like most writers caught up in the Coronavirus crisis – amazing that Microsoft...
Mike Appleton | February 24, 2020
Caving, Wombling & Snapping
All good things come to those that wait? It’s been a while since our last update here –...
Mike Appleton | August 23, 2018
TBT: When I Did Look Down
A little Throwback Thursday today as we look back at my first real SRT caving trip. It was...
Mike Appleton | August 31, 2016
Book Offer
My three books on the Yorkshire Dales are now just £10 each. You can discover more about Yorkshire’s...