All posts tagged "Books"
Mike Appleton | July 16, 2014
Unbiased and Balanced
Forgive me for using the lyrics of an 80/90s rock band but there are three sides to every...
Mike Appleton | July 1, 2014
Yorkshire Dales Society / TGO
Below is the Yorkshire Dales Society‘s review of Yorkshire’s Three Peaks – The Inside Story of the Dales....
Mike Appleton | May 16, 2014
Aural Exposure!
I’m in the process of writing a radio script which will bring together the storyline of the book...
Mike Appleton | April 17, 2014
A New Beginning
CHANGING times at Mascarandy Media towers with this fantastic new site designed by the fine people at Made...
Mike Appleton | January 22, 2014
Hills, Holes and High Tales
HILLS, Holes and High Tales will feature at least 20 of the best walks the Yorkshire Dales can...
Mike Appleton | January 21, 2014
Off The Cuff: The Lee Briers Story
People often make assumptions about players from stories they hear. Lee Briers has had many things written and...
Mike Appleton | May 30, 2012
From The Bottom Up!
ONE of the hardest things about writing any story is the beginning. I’ve suffered startitus ever since school...
Mike Appleton | June 8, 2011
Transcription… How To Survive!
IS there anything duller in life than transcribing interviews? My current project involves a 40-ish minute slot, each...