Owning my story
“Figure out what you want to say, the change you seek to make, the story you want to tell – and then tell it. Wholeheartedly and with intent.”
I’ve quoted Seth Godin in my thoughts before and one of his recent emails struck a real chord.
Like most during lockdown, I’ve been trying to figure myself out, where I sit in this mad world and how I can contribute to it.
I’ve been struggling to find my sense of place and in return that has affected how I feel about my work and what I am seeking to achieve.
This has been aligned to my ever-darkening thoughts, lack of creative output and loss of muse.
It’s therefore no coincidence that Maria Popova’s interview with Tim Ferriss would set hares racing in my head. Her Brain Pickings blog is nothing short of phenomenal and their conversation about her work, and how she does it, spoke to parts of me that have been crying out for some sort of boost.
Perhaps I needed to hear what I wanted to hear.
An affirmation.
Perhaps it was something I already knew deep down.
You need to write for yourself first and the rest will follow.
My first Dales book on the Three Peaks was written for me. I always wanted to pen a homage to the place I love and that work was about not only showing the world the issues people face in the Yorkshire Three Peaks but, more importantly, that I could do it.
So when Seth says ‘tell your story’ and Maria says ‘write for yourself’, I have to listen yes?
It got me thinking about Mascarandy and where it is heading. I know I have written about this a few times on these pages and tried to discover why I do what I do.
Quite simply … and it is simple … I love helping people tell their stories. My vision, mantra, manifesto for Mascarandy Media is thus – I help you to own your story.
So isn’t it about time I did the same internally too? I need to own my story, my direction and realise I have gotten to this point – soon to be 10 books in, alongside an experienced career – because people like me telling their story.
And that should include telling my own through my love of place, connection and nature.
This post isn’t a reawakening; it’s a note to self.
What have you discovered recently to raise your sense of connection to what you want to achieve?
If you like what you have read, would you consider buying me a virtual brew? I really appreciate those that have so far. Love you all!